Christian pilgrim trip
Jaffa-Caesarea- Nazareth- Capernaum- Tabha- Yardenit- Jerusalem
Join me for a life changing journey to the Holy land!
6 days Pilgrimmage tour of the Holyland.
Day 1: Jaffa, Caesarea, Acre, Tiberias-
A day that starts along the Mediterranean Sea and with the story of St. Peter in Jaffa and Caesarea, the inscription of Pontius Pilate and the beginning of Christianity, and ends on the shores of the Sea of Galilee
Day 2: Capernaum, Tabha, Magdala, Corazim, Mount of Beatitudes-
Our 2nd day will take us to the magical sites around the Sea of Galilee and back to the ministry of Jesus; to the town where he heal people and fed the multitude, to ancient synagogues and up to the place where he gave the Sermon on the mountain
Day 3: Yardenit, Nazareth, Beit Shean, Jerico
On our way to Jerusalem, we are going to drive along the Jordan valley and visit the Baptismal site of Jesus, on the Jordan river. You can get baptised or re-baptised
Day 4: Jerusalem- Old city
The day will be dedicated to explore the 4 quarters of this magnificiant, historical Old City: We will visit the church of the Holy Sepulchre, located in the Christian quarter- the burial place of Jesus Christ- the same place he ressurected from 3 days later. The Calvary or Golgotha- the stone hill on which he was crussified.
Day 5: Jerusalem and Betlehem
We will start the day by a panoramic view from mount of Olives, the place from where Jesus entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, and from where he ascended to heaven, 40 days after he ressurected. We will walk down to see the garden and the church of Getsemani, the place where Jesus wad betraited and arrested. We will visit Jerusalem 4 quarters, the Via Dolorosa and the church of the Holy Sepulchre, the place where Jesus was crucified and burried.
A short drive will take us to Bethlehem, to visit the Church of the Nativity, the place where Jesus was born.
Day 6: Massada, Kumeran, Dead Sea
The day will be dedicated to the Judean Desert, to visit the place where the Dead sea scrolls where discovered and learn about the Essens and their life in the desert.
We will visit the baptismal site by the Jordan river- the place where John the baptist baptised Jesus, in front of Jericho.
Visiting the fortress of Massada, will reveal to us the amazing story of king Herods fortress and the story of the Jewish rebells who used it during the revolt against the Roman Empire in 70 ad.